Have You Ever Seen These Flowers?







Guess what!

They are edible. And if you ever see someone grab them/break off the ‘branch’, that’s why. They are good.

So yup. That is all.

Posted on June 21, 2014, in My Blog and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. …I will go ahead and believe you, and not write you off as crazy.
    But they are REALLY pretty. What’re they called?

    • I am not crazy lol. They are actually edible.. I’ve seen people eat them. I’ve eaten tnem. And I’ve also participated in being one of the random people who will stop the car, hop out, and break a branch off…

      I guess they are kinda pretty…makes sense as to why so MANY people have them.. and I’m not sure.. I never bothered to look ’em up. I just recognize them…

      • Oh my crap, I just wrote a whole response and it erased it… >.>
        But I said something about how crazy people probably say that, and a story about how i ate a berry that a kid told me was okay to eat, and it turned out being okay, but I realize that I should’ve been a little bit more inquisitive, and how you should look it up because I would, but I’m not sure how to do it. So yup. I BELIEVE IN YOU.

        • Hahahaha! That totally made me smirk right there.

          (I’M NOT CRAZY!)

          And yes, generally, everyone should question what they put into their mouths XD and now Im going to look it up. Because you told me so XD. BELIEVE

  2. Sure. They’re yucca. 😉 Not yucky. Yucca. ;-P We used to have them in the front yard. (And I think that you can make soap from the leaves.)

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